Wheelchair Repair

Take action to get your wheelchair fixed quickly!

Know your rights under the new CT wheelchair repair law PA 24-58.
Effective July 1, 2024

What You Need to Know

CT’s New Wheelchair Repair Law, PA 24-58 (available at AN ACT CONCERNING WHEELCHAIR REPAIR REQUIREMENTS), which went into effect July 1, 2024:

  • Requires wheelchair suppliers to respond to a call or email seeking a repair of a wheelchair within one business day
  • Requires wheelchair suppliers to order any needed parts for a wheelchair within three business days
  • Requires the wheelchair supplier to actually repair the wheelchair within ten (10) business days of the call or email seeking repair (Note: Days waiting for required insurance prior authorization or for parts to be received do not count toward the 10 days.)
  • Protects your right to receive wheelchair repairs in your home. (Therefore, a wheelchair provider should not tell you that you can receive a timely repair [within ten business days] only if you come into the shop.) Under the law, you are entitled to a timely repair at the location of your choice.
  • Prohibits prior authorization requirements for custom wheelchair repairs for Medicaid enrollees immediately and for private insurance enrollees starting on January 1, 2025, for the first five years after delivery.

What You Need to Do

Refer to CT Wheelchair Repair Law PA 25-58 when asking the company for a repair, either by phone or email:

  • Only agree to an in-shop repair if it’s more convenient for you. The wheelchair provider should NOT attempt to pressure you into coming into the shop, including by promising a timely repair (ten business days) only if you come into the shop.
  • If asked to come to the shop, you may respond (as applicable):
    • I cannot travel safely with a broken wheelchair
    • I cannot safely transfer out of my wheelchair in your shop
    • I do not have access to transportation to your shop
    • Under PA 25-58, you have to fix my wheelchair in 10 business days, whether in shop or in my home
  • Be sure to follow up all phone conversations with an email to the wheelchair provider, if you are able. Include the name of the person you spoke to, a brief synopsis of the call, relevant background information, and any next steps promised:

Report Any Delays

If your repair has exceeded the 10-business-day time frame and/or you have been pressured to bring your wheelchair into the shop in order to get a timely repair (10 business days):

  • Contact your wheelchair provider for an update and estimated repair completion date.
  • Call the Reporting Hotline of the Office of the State Healthcare Advocate, at 866-466-4446 and/or email them at Healthcare.Advocate@ct.gov (and cc the Wheelchair Repair Coalition at: wcrepairct@gmail.com)
    • Clearly state that you are reporting a wheelchair repair delay/noncompliance
    • Include the name of the wheelchair provider, date and means of initial request for repair, and any relevant information

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments for the CT Wheelchair Repair Coalition, contact us at:
Email: wcrepairct@gmail.com
Facebook: @wheelchairreform
Twitter: @repairmychairct