About the SDM Coalition

What is the Connecticut Supported Decision Making Coalition? 

The Connecticut Supported Decision-Making Coalition is a collaboration between state agencies and nonprofit organizations, education agencies, youth and adults with disabilities, family members and advocates. The Coalition was established in 2018 to provide information about Supported Decision-Making to students and adults with disabilities, caregivers, families, educators, policymakers, and anyone interested in supporting the autonomy of adults with disabilities. The Coalition is facilitated by the State Independent Living Council (CTSILC) and supported by the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities and the University of Connecticut, Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. 



Molly Cole Executive Director, CT State Independent Living Council (Co-Chair)
Gretchen Knauff Director, Office of Services for Persons with Disabilities, City of New Haven (Co-Chair)
Chris Blake Self-Advocate
Attorney Stephen Byers Disability Rights CT
Attorney Deborah Dorfman Disability Rights CT 
Win Evarts The Arc CT
Pam Fields CEO, MidState Arc 
Attorney Kathy Flaherty CT Legal Rights Project
Walt Glomb CT Council on Developmental Disabilities
Shannon Jacovino Department of Developmental Services


Jonathan Martinis Project Consultant
Siobhan Morgan CT Family Support Network
Bonnie Myers Brain Injury Association of Ct
Alyssa Norwood CT Age Well Collaborative
Ruth Nuss PATH/ Family Voices of CT
Sammi Nuss Self Advocate with an SDM plan
Linda Rammler UConn UCEDD
Carol Scully The Arc CT
Kim Smith Disabilities Network of Eastern Connecticut
Attorney Kathleen Hayes Chair, Elder Law Section, Ct Bar Association
Laura Knapp CT Parent Advocacy Center